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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions have not been previously published, or are under consideration in other journals (or an explanation has not been provided in comments to the editor)
  • Script files in the OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file formats
  • When available, URLs for reference have been provided
  • Text 1 space; font 12; italic; not underlined (except URL address); and all illustrations, figures, and tables placed in the text at the right points, not at the end
  • Text that complies with library and language style requirements is outlined in the Author's Guide, which will be found on the About Us page
  • If acceptance for the peer-reviewed portion of the journal, the instructions are in Ensuring Anonymous Reviewers have been followed

Author Guidelines

The text sent by the author is an original scientific work, has never been published, and was not sent for publication in other media / journals. The proposed text can be in the form of research results (fields / literature), conceptual ideas, research, application of theory in Health Professionals.

The title is typed in Indonesian and English with the font Times New Roman 14 by using capital letters in each word. The manuscript is written in English. The manuscript is written in Times New Roman font 12 with a single space and one column format.

Abstract written in Indonesian and English written explicitly with the background structure, research objectives, research methods, findings and conclusions. Abstracts are typed in Times New Roman with font 11.

Keywords: should be specific and describe the contents of the article, one phrase, avoid keywords that are too general, abbreviations that are already common may be used for example "Puskesmas", maximum number of keywords is 6, minimum 3.

The author's name is written without an academic degree. If the script is written by a team or more than one person, the editor will communicate only with the main author or the author whose name is registered. The composition of the contents of the text is as follows:

  1. Introduction: Background: in this section introduce the topic using the best pyramid (general to specific), emphasize why your research topic is important, relate it to current knowledge, use previous research to justify the problem of whether there are "gaps" or differences with previous researchers , bring up what has been done and what needs to be done. Objective: introduce what is done and give the main purpose of the article
  2. Method: consists of the way the research is carried out and a description of the materials, equipment, and procedures used in conducting the analysis or research
  3. Results: Serve summary results in the form of graphs and numbers, compare with previous studies, if quantitative research provides statistical tests, focus on what needs to be emphasized, use clear language and not cause multiple meanings.
  4. Discussion: answer the research problem, support and maintain the answer with the results, compare with the results of the relevant research, state the limitations of the study conducted, state the importance of the findings, find or come up with newness and submit further research
  5. Conclusion: already and only enough to answer the research objectives / hypotheses, must be supported by sufficient research data, displaying the main results, conformity to the objectives, summarizing all the results in a concise manner, avoiding per item try in narrative form.
  6. Bibliography: Bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order referring to APA Quotation Style. Use the Mendeley application to facilitate the inclusion of references. For example: T. Hengl and M. Gould, 2002, Rules of thumb for writing research articles, International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observations. Reference sources / citations listed in the text are the main reference sources in the form of research reports or articles published in scientific journals in the last 10 years. Technical writing of citations using the attached reference technique (name, year).

The guide can be downloaded here


The review text can be written in Indonesian or English in 8-14 pages. Articles must be under 30% by plagiarism software. The article does not contain the results of plagiarism, forgery, and making data.

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