The Relationship Of Obesity With The Incidence Of Asthma
Obesitas, asthmaAbstract
Obesity and Asthma are chronic diseases whose increased. The factore are explain the relationship between Obesity and Asthma which decrease pulmonary complications system, pulmonary volume and breath perfusion diameter. Adipocyte tissue in Obesity sufferers causes increased production of cells and inflamation mediators which is occurace of Asthma. Purpose: This research for knows the relationship between Obesity and Asthma in Lung Poly Rs Graha Sehat Kraksaan Probolinggo. Method: This research used quantitative with research method “Cross Sectional” (relationship / association), this research sampel amounted to 83 respondents. The results showed that P = 0,000 <0,005 with a correlation (r = - 389) which mean that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Conclusion: There is a relationship The “r” value was interpreted have a strong relationship, its mean the heary the risk category, Obes I, Obes II would be more affected by respiratory system diseases such as asthma, The risk results were 15 people (18.1%) with a well-controlled asthma level category as many as 12 people (9.96%), Obesity I as many as 49 people (59.0%) with category of uncontrolled Asthma as many as 36 people (29.88%) and Obesity II as many as 19 people (22.9%) with the category Asthma uncontrolled 17 people (14.11%)