Student Gadget Habits With Eye Disturbance And Visual Acuity
Gadget, Disturbance, Eyes, Visual AcuityAbstract
Vision is one of the problems that need to be considered because vision is crucial as it plays a vital role in various aspects of life, including the educational process. Vision is additionally a factor that contributes to a decline in an individual's quality of life. The increasing use of gadgets raises concerns about the negative effects it has on vision function. The objective of this research was to identify the relationship between the habit of using gadgets with physical eye complaints and visual acuity in students. The research design was cross sectional with a population of 196 with a sample of 100 respondents. The variable of habit of using gadgets was measured using a questionnaire, subjective complaints using a questionnaire and visual acuity was measured using the Snellen Chart. The statistical test used is Chi Square. The results showed that the majority of the habit of using gadgets was in the bad category (69%), the majority of the eye physical complaints were low (55%), and the majority of the visual acuity was normal (75%). The results of the chi square statistical test between the habit of using gadgets with physical eye complaints did not have a relationship (p = 0.648) and the relationship variable between the habits of using gadgets and visual acuity also had no relationship (p = 0.708). Several factors that are thought to influence this result are the age of the respondents, the majority of whom are teenagers (92%), the indicators in eye physical complaints are dominated by eye fatigue (60%) while other complaints have a low impact on complaints in general. Other physical complaints do not appear much. presumably because when the respondents felt tired, they rested their eyes. The decrease in visual acuity is a long-term damage, while the habit of using gadgets in the majority of respondents is classified as a bad habit, but due to other factors such as young age, nutritional intake, and maintained activity patterns can slow down the process of decreasing visual acuity. It is hoped that this research can develop how long the use of gadgets can have an impact on decreasing visual acuity.priority in various child health and education programs. With the right understanding and action, we can help create a healthier and more potential future generation.
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