The Effectiveness of The Culture-Based Anti-Stunting Education Package on Family Behavioral Changes in Stunting Prevention
Stunting, Education, Coastal AreaAbstract
Stunting remains a pressing global health concern, as evidenced by the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. The Pasuruan Regency Government continues its efforts to reduce the stunting rate. Coastal areas are characterized by a relatively high incidence of stunting, which stands at 22.8%. The urgency of this research lies in the need for a change in family behavior toward stunting prevention through education optimalization in coastal areas. Stunting prevention education within the family can be summarized into the "Anti-Stunting Education Package", consisting of education on nutritious maternal food intake starting from 1000 days before childbirth, exclusive breastfeeding, adolescent health, and access to clean water. This research aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of anti-stunting education package in changing family behavior to prevent stunting in coastal areas. This was pre-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design approach. The research is conducted in coastal areas with a sample size of 30 stunting families selected through purposive sampling. The results of the research indicate that the Anti-Stunting Education Package is highly effective in improving knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral changes among mothers in supporting stunting prevention in coastal areas. This study falls under TKT 3, which demonstrates the analytical concept and experimental functions, providing stunting education through booklets with a focus on local culture to prevent stunting in coastal areas. The outcomes of this research serve as an innovation and technological development for maritime community well-being.
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